Two documents outlines the strategy adopted by NitroEurope partners to manage its data:
The NitroEurope Data Policy document addresses issues related to the provision, exchange, availability, maintenance and use of data produced by the NEU research activities or acquired from third parties as a support to this research.
The Data Management Plan sets the way to implement principles developed in the NitroEurope Data Policy, to which it refers. This is intended to be a working document and some of its sections will be updated in the course of the project.
Data Delivery Dates and Milestones
Important dates for the collection and delivery of data and how it flows from component to component can be downloaded here.
NEU Cookbooks (latest version - Jun07)
C1 and C2 site Cookbook: this cookbook is a compilation of methods commonly used for the mandatory measurements required at NEU Level 3 and Manipulation sites. It is an ongoing project and throughout the NEU project more methods will be added and existing methods edited. Please send comments and descriptions of methods to
Note: Erratum in previous version (Jan07) : static chamber over short vegetation should only be 20 cm high and not 45 cm!
The organisation of data within NitroEurope is the managed by the Date Management Committee (DMC). This committee is made up of the following members:
Any queries about managing your data please contact your relevant component data manager.